Determine Your Google Ads Test Budget for Safari Industry

PPC Advertising | 01 / 05/ 2021

If you are planning to make use of Google Advertisements for your Safari Industry then finding your Test Budget is crucial before running your Google Ads.

You may be confused about the amount you will spend to test your campaign whether it’s $100 or $1000. The Campaign you create to test your Audience is how much it’ll cost you initially and how long to run your Google Ads Campaign for better results is the question that arises when you are starting out running Google Ads for the first time.

In this blog post, we will tell you how to determine the test budget for running Google Ads for your Safari Business.

To estimate the Test budget for your safari industry Google Ads Campaign, we need to take many parameters into account –

1. Safari Keywords Targeting with cost per click (CPC)

2. What is the time frame of your test and when you want to see the results? In weeks, months, or years?

3. What are your sales conversion rates?

Let’s go step by step to find your Google Ads test Budget for your safari business

Find your target Safari Keywords with CPCs:

In a Google Ads Search campaign, when someone clicks your Ad on the search engine result page then Google will deduct the money from your Google Ad account as per the Click cost. For Impressions means showing your Ads on the Search engine result page, Google will not charge for it, whether it’s 1,000 impressions or any number of impressions.

Find your target Safari Keywords with CPCs:
Find your target Safari Keywords with CPCs:

To estimate our budget we need to know the cost of the one-click in our Ads. The total amount will cost with the Trending Safari Keywords we will use in the Advertising.

Google estimates different costs for the click for the different Safari keywords. The keyword CPC cost depends on the search volume data, competition, etc.

To find CPC of your Targeted Safari Keywords, Google Provides Keyword Planner Tool. This tool helps to find the CPCs of keywords. This data is estimated data so you may have to pay more or less than the estimation.

Testing Time Frame for Google Ad Results in Safari Industry:

Google Ads Campaign results in Time Frame will depend on your Budget for your Safari Industry. For using Safari Keywords with its search volume data we will get Leads and Sales data in 1 month.

For example “Tanzania Safari Tours” is searched 10K times per month in the USA. If 1% of the Searches click on your Ad, then you will get 100 clicks for that Keyword.

Out of 100 clicks how many sales and Leads will you get? Chances are very less. In that case, you will target more than one keyword in your campaign to achieve your goal in the given time frame.

If you have a longer time frame for your Google Ads, that is,  more than 1 month then you can divide your Monthly budget for different months in your Google Ads Campaign.

To find your result from the Google Ads Campaign you need to gather the data month-wise from your test Campaign. If your safari customers sign up within a week then you get the results from your campaign once it starts.

Find the Conversion Rate for your Safari Businesses Google Ads

This is the final step for calculating the estimated budget for your Safari Google Ads Campaign. From the above examples out of 100 clicks if one is signing up the form for the keyword “Tanzania Safari Tours“.

There are at least two more conversions that need to take place:

1. Prospect has to complete a sign-up form or make a call

2. You have to close the Bookings for your Safari Businesses.

Let’s say your goal is to complete the sign-up form and assume the conversion rate for the Lead Generation is 5%. Out of 100, Clicks/Visitors 5 will sign up for the web form.

Assume your Safari Booking Conversion rate is 10% with a sales cycle is nearly a week then you would generate 1 new client.

Finally, Estimate Google Ads Test Budget for your Safari Industry

From the above data, we found for the single keyword with 100 visits, 1 client is converted. We know the cost of the Safari Keywords is nearly $10 from Google Keywords Planner.

Finally, Estimate Google Ads Test Budget for your Safari Industry
Finally, Estimate Google Ads Test Budget for your Safari Industry

So it’s going to cost about $1,000 to generate one safari Client.

You need $1,000 a month to test the Safari Google Ads Campaign for just one Safari keyword. If your budget is $100 per month then the time it will take is nearly 10 months to test just one keyword for the one Safari Bookings and 5 inquiries.

I would recommend using $1,500 to try a test campaign for just one Safari Keyword.

Similarly, for many Safari Keywords, you will do the math above and estimate the Test budget for Safari Industry and find your Safari Bookings using Google Ads.

From this Blog article, we found that to determine Google Ads Test Budget for Safari Industry you need to take many parameters into account such as Keywords with CPC and Search Volume data, conversion rate, etc.

Curious to learn more ways how you can determine your google ads test budget for safari industry? Contact us now.

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About Author

Chinu Pal


Chinu Pal has always loved writing and is a "wizard of words". When he isn't brainstorming creative content for SMP, he’s busy trying to think of ways to help out his clients with their safari marketing problems. He has a passion for helping people in all aspects of digital marketing for safari business with the expert industry solutions he provides.

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