Understanding User’s Search Intent for Better Keyword Strategy

Marketing | 14 / 03/ 2023

The Importance of Keyword Strategy for African Safari and Tour Businesses

It is time to talk about what is most essential for any African safari & tour operator to stay ahead in the industry.

The Keyword Strategy. You could say it is one of the hot concepts leveraging which you can reach more of your dream customers. It involves identifying specific words and phrases that potential safari customers are using to search for information online, then incorporating those keywords into your business website and online marketing channels.

In the safari and tour industry, keyword strategy is particularly important because travelers often turn to search engines when planning their trips. By placing the relevant keywords in their online channels, you can increase the visibility on the search engine result page, hence attracting more target safari audiences.

For example, if your business offers safaris in Arusha National Park, including keywords like “Arusha National Park Safaris” or “Arusha National Park Safari Packages” can help attract customers who are specifically searching for those types of experiences. Similarly, if your safari business operates in a particular destination, incorporating location-specific keywords like “Things to do in Tanzania” can help get a higher rank in search results.

What we notice from this is, a user can make a search having different reasons and perspectives in mind; which brings us to understand the most important factors of keyword strategy.

A potential Customer’s Search Intent

Search intent refers to the why behind a customer’s online search. It is the purpose or goal they have in mind when typing a query into the search engine.

Understanding the intent is important for safari and tour businesses because it allows tailoring their content and marketing efforts to better meet the needs and desires of their safari target audience.

These are generally categorized into 4 types keeping in mind their relevance to the search:

  • Informational Intent – When a visitor is looking for information on a particular topic or question regarding safari. For Example, “Best Safari Destinations in Africa?” or “Tanzania Safari Packing List”. Here the user is just casually browsing about the safari in Tanzania where he would just get some brief idea about it.
Informational Intent
Informational Intent
  • Navigational Intent – When a customer is trying to find a specific website or webpage regarding tour and safari services or packages. For Example, “Elephant Safaris in Tanzania” or “Tanzania Tour Packages”. Here the user wants to know about a particular interest or looking for specific results for the search.
Navigational Intent
Navigational Intent
  • Commercial Intent – When a potential customer is researching or comparing safari packages or services that work best before going for the purchase. For Example, “How Much Does a Tanzania safari cost?”. Here the user is looking for the best option to choose from with the motive of making a decision.
Commercial Intent
Commercial Intent
  • Transactional Intent – When a visitor intends to make a purchase or engage in some kind of transaction. For example, “Book an Affordable African Safari”. Here the user has already made up his mind to choose one from the various options and make a payment.
Transactional Intent
Transactional Intent

By understanding these, your safari business can result in increased engagement, higher search engine rankings, and ultimately more sales and inquiries that generate revenue.

Here is an example of implementing these intent keywords in a safari website’s content!

User Search Intent applied on a safari Website Content
User Search Intent applied on a safari Website Content

Why Understanding visitor Search Intent Matters for Keyword Strategy

Understanding the intent behind a keyword can benefit a safari and tour business in more than one way!

  • Enhancing Relevance and Engagement – When your safari business creates content that is relevant to the needs and interests of your target audience for example details about destinations or itineraries, they are more likely to engage with it, share it and return to your safari website for future searches. When your content aligns with their search query it can result in a better user experience.
  • Improving Search Rankings and Traffic – Understanding the customer intent allows safari businesses to select and incorporate keywords that align with their target audience’s needs and interests. This in turn can increase the traffic and chances of the content ranking higher on the search engine result page.
  • Boosting Conversions and Revenue – If your website addresses the pain points of the potential customers, users are more likely to take desired actions like inquiring about a safari package or fill out a booking form. This can lead to increased conversions and revenue.

How to Identify User Search Intent for African Safari and Tour Keywords

To identify the search intent of the safari and tour keywords, businesses can use a combination of tools and techniques which include:

  • Keyword Research Tools and Techniques – You can take the help of some of the most powerful tools that are available to help you find the most popular search terms and phrases related to safari and tour keywords. Look for the patterns and trends in the search queries to determine what users are looking for and what their intent might be. Some of the best keyword research tools we suggest can be –
SEMrush – One of the most popular with an extensive feature
SEMRUSH Keyword Research Tool
SEMRUSH Keyword Research Tool
Ahrefs – Similar Features worth investing for
AHREFS Keyword Research Tool
AHREFS Keyword Research Tool
Google Search Console – Free and widely used
Google Search Console for Keyword Research
Google Search Console for Keyword Research
Google Keyword planner – Find the right keywords
Google Keyword Planner for Keyword Research
Google Keyword Planner for Keyword Research
SpyFu – Get a deeper analysis of the keywords
SPYFU Keyword Research Tool
SPYFU Keyword Research Tool

Bonus tip, look for modifiers in the search queries, such as best, cheap, or luxury. These modifiers can provide insights into the user’s intent and help safari businesses tailor content and offerings accordingly.

  • Analyzing Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs)

Analyze the search results for the target keywords and identify the types of content that are ranking. Look for patterns in the type of content that appears in the top results, such as blog posts like “Things to see in Arusha National Park” or “Best activities to try at Victoria Falls”, reviews, or tour packages. This can provide insight into the user intent behind the search query.

  • Surveying Your Target Audience

Before starting the survey, it is important to define your goals and what you want to achieve at the end. The audience might be your existing customers, potential customers, or a specific demographic. Know what you want to survey, is it their interest regarding your safari business, preferences, or pain points? Use different channels like analyzing their social media or going through their search behaviors.

Optimizing Your Keyword Strategy Based on User Search Intent

  • Mapping User Intent to Your Website Content and Structure

This involves understanding what visitors want to achieve or accomplish when visiting your safari website, and then creating content and designing the website’s structure to meet those requirements. Some of the ways you can implement them are:

Identify the common user intents and group them into categories such as Information regarding a destination, tour packages, accommodations, or support. Make sure the content is engaging and relevant by investing in blog posts, FAQs, and itineraries.

Map the content to the website’s structure by creating a navigation system that reflects the user’s intent. Group related content under relevant categories and create clear pathways to guide users to the information they need.

Mapping the Intent Keywords
Mapping the Intent Keywords
  • Creating Keyword-Focused Landing Pages

You first need to understand what is the goal of your landing page; do you want to generate inquiries, increase sales, or want to promote your safari services? Some of the tips you could use while preparing a landing page are –

Create a clear and concise landing page that includes your target keyword. Include content that is relevant, engaging, informative, and provides what the customers exactly want from your website. Add a Call-to-action button that aligns with your landing page goals. Lastly, optimize it for the search engines by adding the right meta descriptions, alt tags, and internal links. Ensure that the page loads quickly and is mobile-friendly.

Implementing Intent Keywords in Landing Page
Implementing Intent Keywords on Landing Page
  • Incorporating User Intent into Your On-page Optimization

To implement this, you need to include the intent keywords in all your meta tags and in your content. Use header tags to make your content easily readable and understandable. Optimize your images and videos on the page by using descriptive file names, alt tags, and captions. Use internal linking to guide users to other relevant pages on your website that might help users find more information.

On-page Optimization with Intent Keywords
On-page Optimization with Intent Keywords

Measuring the Success of Your User-Intent-Driven Keyword Strategy

Measuring how your keyword strategy is performing is crucial to know for safari businesses to know what is giving them results and what is not.

Some of the key metrics to track and analyze are:

Organic Traffic – It refers to the number of organic visitors who come to your website from search engines. Helps in understanding search engine ranking and keyword performance.

Growth in Organic Traffic
Growth in Organic Traffic

Keyword Ranking – Know for which keyword your website is performing well and which are not on the search engine result page.

Growth in Keyword Ranking
Growth in Keyword Ranking

Click Through Rate – It refers to the percentage of visitors who click on your website’s link on the search engine results page. It can help you analyze how compelling your title tags and meta descriptions are and whether they are capturing their attention.

Increase in Click Through Rate
Increase in Click Through Rate

Conversion Rate – Refers to the percentage of visitors who complete a specific action on your website, such as filling out a form or making a booking for a safari package.

Increase in Conversion Rate
Increase in Conversion Rate

Bounce Rate – Refers to the percentage of visitors who leave your website after visiting only one page. It can help to know if your content is relevant enough to keep your audience hooked.

Increase in Bounce Rate
Increase in Bounce Rate

As you know the results, you can evaluate the effectiveness of your keyword strategy and make data-driven decisions to optimize and improve it.

How User Search Intent Can Help Your African Safari and Tour Business Succeed

Understanding and putting the search intent of the customer into work can be a game changer for an African safari and tour operators. It can perhaps be the most important ranking factor of this age!

If you are providing value-added content which is satisfying the user search intent, you are sure to hit the jackpot. By jackpot, we mean more traffic, increased ranking, and loads of inquiries for your safari business.

If you want to rank for the long term, give your searchers what they are looking for and you are sure to get rewarded.

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About Author



Chin’s mission is to serve and help people like those who run safari businesses because many are them are good at operations they don't know website sales marketing and all of them only depend upon agents to give them clients where chin wanted to give an amazing growth to each and every operator to make them so individually powerful with their own branding online where they can get high-value clients, create their own source of income and generate significant revenue online.

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